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Request Report on Individuals: Help

This page permits you to search the database for individuals matching specified conditions, and present them in a basic report as described by the report results page.

At present there are only minimal options for modifying the appearance of this report.

There is a selection list which lists all of the fields that can be displayed in the resulting report. Each time you use the mouse to click on an item in this list, the item is moved from this list to the list of chosen fields below it. The contents of the fields will be displayed in the order you chose them. There is currently no method to change the order of the fields once you have chosen them, except to refresh the page and start over again.

There is a selection list which permits you to specify the fields to be used to sort the resulting report. Each time you use the mouse to click on an item in this list, the item is moved from this list to the list of chosen fields below it. The fields will be used to sort the report in the order you chose them. There is currently no method to change the order of the fields once you have chosen them, except to refresh the page and start over again.

There are only a few fields that you can use to select the records to be included in the report.

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