This page describes the use of the script getRecordJSON.php which is used to extract the content of database records in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), to support external access to the internal content of the database.
The user must be signed in as a user to use this feature. The contents of the response to a request depends upon the level of authorization of the requesting user. In particular a requesting user can only see information that the user is authorized to see. For example private information about an individual in the family tree is only visible to members of that individual's family.
The record or records to be returned is specified by parameter passed by method "Get", that is by parameters passed as part of the Uniform Record Location (URL). The parameter names are case insensitive. For example you can specify "...?table=Picture" or "...?Table=Picture", "...&id=756" or "...&ID=756".
If you add the parameter "&debug=Y" to the query then the generated document will include a trace of how the response was generated. This trace is in HTML and may include characters that cause it to not be valid JSON.
The table to be examined is identified by the parameter "table", which can have one of the following case-sensitive values:
Addresses | This table contains family tree records representing a fully structured address. For example this is used for the addresses of repositories. This table is implied if the IDAR parameter is specified. For further information see Addresses |
PictureBases | This table contains family tree records representing a folder
on the Web which contains images.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. If this is omitted the complete table is displayed. |
Pictures | This table contains family tree records representing images.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. You can search for a list of address records by specifying the any of the following, "idir", "idtype", "pictype", "picorder", "picname", "picnameurl", "idbppic", "piccaption", "picd", "picsd", "picdate", "picdesc", "picprint", "picsoundname", "picsoundnameurl", "idbpsound", "used", "picpref", "filingref". For example "?table=Picture&idtype=0&idir=5" displays all pictures associated with individual 5. |
ChildParentRels | This table contains types of relationships between children
and parents.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. If this is omitted the complete table is displayed. |
Children | This table contains family tree records representing a child's
relationship to a set of parents.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. You can search for a list of address records by specifying one or more of the following parameters: "idmr", "idir", "order", "prefchild", "idcs", "idcpdad", "idcpmom", "cpdadprivate", "cpmomprivate", "parseald", "parsealsd", "idtrparseal", "parsealnote", "ldsp", "templetag". For example specifying "?table=Child&idmr=6" lists all children in family 6. For example "?table=Child&idir=10939" lists all families in which individual 10939 is a child. |
ChildStatuses | This table contains family tree records defining values of the
field "idcs" in the Child table.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. If this is omitted the complete table is displayed. |
DontMergeEntries | This table contains family tree records representing pairs of
individuals who should never be merged because they are known
to be distinct even though very similar in name and birth date.
Specific record identified by parameter 'idirleft' and 'idirright' |
Events | This table contains family tree records representing
facts or events about an individual or a family.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. You can search for a list of event records by specifying one or more of the following parameters: "idir", "idet", "order", "eventd", "eventsd", "idlrevent", "desc", "gedtag", "eventexclude", "idtype", "idar", "description", "sentenceoverride", "qstag", "rgexclude", "kind", "ldstempleready", "preferred" |
EventTypes | This table contains family tree records representing
values of event type.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. If this is omitted the complete table is displayed. |
Bookmarks | This table contains family tree records representing bookmarks.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. There are always 200 entries in this table, numbered 1 through 200. |
HistoryList | This table contains family tree records representing a
history of the last 200 family tree individuals or families
referenced by the system. This does not mean much when there are
multiple users sharing the family tree so it is not maintained
by the site.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. There are always 200 entries in this table, numbered 1 through 200. |
Header | This table contains family tree records representing
information about the family tree database itself.
no parameters required. The complete table is always displayed. |
Persons | This table contains family tree records representing
individuals in the family tree.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. You can search for a list of location records by specifying one or more of the following parameters: "fsid", "surname", "soundslike", "givenname", "prefix", "title", "namenote", "gender", "birthd", "birthsd", "idlrbirth", "chrisd", "chrissd", "idlrchris", "chrterm", "deathd", "deathsd", "idlrdeath", "buriedd", "buriedsd", "idlrburied", "cremated", "idarbirth", "idarchris", "idardeath", "idarburied", "birthnote", "chrisnote", "deathnote", "buriednote", "living", "baptismd", "baptismsd", "baptismkind", "idtrbaptism", "baptismnote", "ldsb", "confirmationd", "confirmationsd", "confirmationkind", "idtrconfirmation", "confirmationnote", "ldsc", "initiatoryd", "initiatorysd", "idtrinitiatory", "initiatorynote", "ldsi", "endowd", "endowsd", "idtrendow", "endownote", "ldse", "templetag", "idmrpref", "idmrparents", "idar", "ancinterest", "decinterest", "tag1", "tag2", "tag3", "tag4", "tag5", "tag6", "tag7", "tag8", "tag9", "taggroup", "taganc", "tagdec", "savetag", "srchtag", "srchtagigi", "srchtagrg", "srchtagfs", "qstag", "remindertag", "remindertagdeath", "treenum", "ltmp1", "ltmp2", "alreadyused", "userref", "ancestralref", "notes", "references", "medical", "deathcause", "ppcheck", "imported", "added", "addedtime", "updated", "updatedtime", "relations", "nevermarried", "directline", "stmp1", "colortag", "intellishare", "private", "ppexclude", "rgexclude", "dna", "fssync", "fsdups", "fsordinance", "fslinks" |
Locations | This table contains family tree records representing
locations associated with events or facts.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. You can search for a list of location records by specifying one or more of the following parameters: "fsplaceid", "location", "used", "sortedlocation", "latitude", "longitude", "tag1", "shortname", "preposition", "notes", "verified", "fsresolved", "veresolved", "qstag", "zoom", "boundary". |
Families | This table contains family tree records representing
a family.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. You can search for a list of location records by specifying one or more of the following parameters: "idirhusb", "husborder", "husbprefmar", "husbsurname", "husbgivenname", "husbmarrsurname", "husbbirthsd", "idirwife", "wifeorder", "wifeprefmar", "wifesurname", "wifegivenname", "wifemarrsurname", "wifebirthsd", "marriednamerule", "idms", "mardc", "mard", "marsd", "marenddc", "marendd", "marendsd", "idlrmar", "marloc", "sealdc", "seald", "sealsd", "idtrseal", "sealloc", "sealnote", "ldss", "templetag", "tag1", "tag2", "tag3", "taggroup", "srchtag", "qstag", "remindertag", "notmarried", "nochildren", "alreadyused", "ltmp1", "ltmp2", "notes", "ppcheck", "added", "addedtime", "updated", "updatedtime", "idar", "hphrase", "wphrase", "rphrase", "rphrase2", "id", "tag4", "tag5", "tag6", "tag7", "tag8", "tag9", "userref", "mphrase", "sphrase", "husbwifeover1", "husbwifeover2", "wifehusbover1", "wifehusbover2", "private" |
MarriageStatuses | This table contains family tree records representing
the set of marriage statuses.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. If this is omitted the complete table is displayed. |
Surnames | This table contains family tree records representing
family names present in the database.
A specific record is identified by parameter 'surname=^surname$'. You can search for a list of location records by specifying one or more of the following parameters: "surname", "soundslike", and "notes" use a pattern match. "used", "tag1", "qstag" are numeric values. |
Names | This table contains family tree records representing
individual names of individuals in the database.
A specific record is identified by parameter 'id=number'. You can search for a list of name records by specifying one or more of the following parameters. "surname", "soundslike", "givenname", "prefix", "title", "userref", and "treename" are pattern matches. "idir", "order", "marriednamecreatedby", "birthsd", "preferredaka", "akanote", "idmr", "srchtag", and "qstag" are numeric values. |
Reminders | This table contains family tree records representing
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. |
Sources | This table contains family tree records representing
documentary sources.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. You can search for a list of source records by specifying one or more of the following parameters: "srcname", "srctitle", "srcauthor", "srcpubl", "srctext", "srcnote", "srctag", "srcexclude", "idst", "used", "psrcnote", "fsrcnote", "tsrcnote", "psrctext", "fsrctext", "tsrctext", "idar", "enteredsd", "filingref", "srccallnum", "verified", "published", "enteredd", "qstag", "srcmpub", "srcrollnum", "templateid", "contents", "usestandard", "idar2", "bibliography", "override", "overridefootnote", "overridesubsequent", "overridebibliography". For example "?table=Source&srcname=Census" lists all sources whose name includes the word "Census". |
SourceTypes | This table contains family tree records representing
types of sources.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. If this is omitted the complete table is displayed. |
Citations | This table contains family tree records representing
citations to sources.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. You can search for a list of source records by specifying one or more of the following parameters: "idsr", "idime", "type", "srcdetail", "srcsurety", "srcprint", "srcprintdetail", "srcprinttext", "srcdettext", "srcdetnote", "srcprintnote", "enteredd", "enteredsd", "filingref", "order", "used", "verified", "content", "override", "overridefootnote", "overridesubsequent", "overridebibliography". |
ToDoCategories | This table contains family tree records representing
categories of To-Do items.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. If this is omitted the complete table is displayed. |
ToDoEntries | This table contains family tree records representing
actions to take in the future.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. |
ToDoLocalities | This table contains family tree records representing
localities associated with To-Do items.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. |
Temples | This table contains family tree records representing
LDS Temples at which ordinances take place.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. You can search for a list of source records by specifying one or more of the following parameters: "code", "code2", "temple", "templestart", "templeend", "used", "tag1", "qstag" |
RemovedIndividuals | This table contains family tree records representing
record numbers of individuals that are no longer in use.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. |
RemovedFamilies | This table contains family tree records representing
record numbers of families that are no longer in use.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. |
Users | This table contains representing registered users of
the site. Only an administrator can view this table.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. You can search for a list of source records by specifying one or more of the following parameters: "username", "password", "shapassword", "email", "auth", "id", "options" |
Blogs | This table contains family tree records representing
blog entries associated with any record in the database.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. You can search for a list of source records by specifying one or more of the following parameters: "index", "datetime", "username", "bl_table", "keyname", "keyvalue", "text" |
MethodistBaptisms | This table contains family tree records representing
Baptism records, particularly as maintained by the Wesleyan
Methodist Church in Canada.
Specific record identified by parameter 'id'. You can search for a list of source records by specifying one or more of the following parameters: "volume", "page", "district", "area", "givenname", "surname", "father", "mother", "residence", "birthplace", "birthdate", "baptismdate", "baptismplace", "minister", "idir" |
Births | This table contains family tree records representing
birth registrations.
Specific record identified by parameter 'domain', 'year', 'regnum' |
Deaths | This table contains family tree records representing
death registrations.
Specific record identified by parameter 'domain', 'year', 'regnum' |
Marriages | This table contains family tree records representing
marriage registrations.
Specific record identified by parameter 'domain', 'year', 'regnum' |
CountyMarriages | This table contains family tree records representing
marriages registered in Ontario prior to confederation which use
a different system of identification than those after confederation.
Specific record identified by parameter 'Domain', 'Volume', 'ReportNo', 'ItemNo' You can search for a list of source records by specifying one or more of the following parameters: "volume", "reportno", "domain" |
CountyMarriageReports | This table contains family tree records representing
annual reports from clergymen.
Specific record identified by parameter 'Domain', 'Volume', 'ReportNo'. You can search for a list of source records by specifying one or more of the following parameters: "volume", "domain" |
Counties | This table contains family tree records representing
counties within a state or province.
Specific record identified by parameter 'domain', 'county' For further information see Counties |
Townships | This table contains family tree records representing
townships within a county.
Specific record identified by parameter 'domain', 'county', 'code' You can search for a list of townships by specifying one or more of the following parameters" "domain", and "county". |
Censuses | This table contains records representing
censuses that are supported for citations by transcriptions.
Specific record identified by parameter 'censusid'. All census records are displayed if no parameters are specified. You can search for a list of censuses by specifying one or more of the following parameters: "name", "linesperpage", "collective", "provinces". For further information see Censuses |
Districts | This table contains records representing
enumeration districts into which a census is divided for
Specific record identified by parameters 'censusid', 'district'. You can search for a list of districts by specifying one or more of the following parameters: "censusid", "name", "nom", "province", "population". |
SubDistricts | This table contains records representing
enumeration divisions within a census.
Specific record identified by parameter 'censusid', 'district', 'subdistrict', 'division'. You can search for a list of sub-district records by ommitting "division" and optionally "subdistrict". |
Pages | This table contains records representing
individual pages within a census.
Specific record identified by parameter "censusid", "district", "subdistrict", "division", "page". You can search for a list of page records by ommitting the "page" parameter. |
Census1851 | These tables contain records transcribed from
specific censuses.
Specific record identified by parameters "district", "subdistrict", "division", "page", and "line". For pre-confederation censuses the "province" must also be specified, for example "&province=CW". You can search for a list of source records by specifying any field names within the census. For example "?table=Census1881&givennames=John&surname=Smith". |
Census1861 | |
Census1871 | |
Census1881 | |
Census1891 | |
Census1901 | |
Census1906 | |
Census1911 | |
Census1916 | |
Census1921 |