Edit Domains: Help
This page presents a list of all of the top-level administrative
domains within a country. These are usually called states or provinces.
It permits adding, deleting, and modifying the descriptions of these
administrative domains.
There is a selection list to choose between languages for the
names of the domains.

For each domain there is a row in the table containing:
- A four- or five-character mnemonic code used by other tables to
identify a domain. This field is read-only except on a line
for adding a new domain.
The value is displayed in ISO standard form with a hyphen between
the country code and the state code.
- The full name of the domain in the selected language.
- If you are signed on as an administrator a
Delete button to delete the domain.
Although the row is immediately removed from the display you
must click on the Update Database button
to actually delete the record from the database.
- A Countiesbutton to open the
dialog for editing the list of lower level administrative units
within the domain, such as cities and counties.
For Canada and the United States the next lower level is normally
cities and counties.
For other countries this reinvokes this page to list instances
of Domain within the higher level Domain.
- A link, made to look like a button, which opens the
page for accessing
the genealogical resources specific to the domain.
If you are signed on as an administrator
at the bottom of the page there are three buttons:
- The Update Database button applies
the changes you have entered on this page into the database.
Note that pressing the Enter key while editing any input field
also performs this function.
- The Close button
closes the dialog when it is opened in the right hand
side of the window of the
Countries dialog.
- The Add New Domain button
adds a new row at the bottom of the table, permitting you to
add a state or province.
Observe that the only way to change the code identifying
a domain is to add a new domain and then delete the old domain.