Genealogy Resources for a Sub-National Domain: Help
For each province or state within a federal country a page
is available which provides access to the resources for
that state or province.
Note: The contents of this page are customized through the template facility.
- If there is a template "genProvinceXXXXll.html" where
XXXX is the domain identifier and ll is the requested display language
then the information from that template is displayed. Otherwise
- If there is a template "genProvinceXXXXen.html" where
XXXX is the domain identifier
then the English information from that template is displayed. Otherwise
- If there is a template "genProvinceCCll.html" where
CC is the ISO country code and ll is the requested display language
then the information from that template is displayed. Otherwise
- If there is a template "genProvinceCCen.html" where
CC is the ISO country code and ll is the requested display language
then the English information from that template is displayed. Otherwise
- If there is a template "genProvincell.html"
where ll is the requested display language
then the information from that template is displayed. Otherwise
- The English information from "genProvinceen.html"
is displayed.
For example if someone is looking for information about Quebec in French
they will see the contents of "genProvinceCAQCfr.html". However
if they are looking for information about Quebec in English they will see
the contents of "genProvinceCAen.html" because there is currently
no template "genProvinceCAQCen.html".