This web page displays a list of each of the individuals and/or families that contain events that reference the current location along with a description of the nature of the event or fact. If you are authorized to modify the family tree these are links to the edit page for the associated record. Otherwise they are links to the normal web page for the individual or family. If there are no events that reference this location then a button is presented permitting you to delete the location from the database.
This script supports the following parameters:
Parameter | Interpretation |
IDLR | The unique internal identification number of the Location record. |
Limit | To avoid generating an extremely large response the script limits the number of instances of each of the three kinds of events that it reports to a default of 25. This parameter permits overriding that default. |
If an administrator wishes to delete a location the administrator must first re-direct all existing references to another location.
You get to this web page by clicking on the link on the Display/Edit Location web page.