Home: Genealogy: Canada: Ontario: Death Query:

Death Registration Details: Help

The associated panel permits updating the database of Ontario Death Registrations.

Navigation: There are three navigation buttons at the top of the page:

Identification: This row of the display identifies the specific registration by specifying the year of registration and the number assigned by the Ontario Registrar when the records were indexed.

Registration: County: This is a selection listing all of the counties and districts in Ontario. For an existing record the county specified in that record is selected. For a new record the county specified in the existing record with the highest registration number less than the current record is selected. This is because registrations from a particular county, or district, always have contiguous registration numbers.

Registration: Township: This is usually a selection list of all of the villages, towns, townships, and cities within the county that at some period had a clerk collecting registrations. If a county is not selected or if the township name is misspelled in the existing record then this is a text input field. For an existing record the township specified in that record is selected. For a new record the township specified in the existing record with the highest registration number less than the current record is selected. This is because registrations from a particular clerk generally have contiguous registration numbers. Clicking on this button performs the query. This may also be requested by pressing the Enter key while the input focus is in a text field.

Given Name:

The given names of the the deceased.


The family name of the the deceased.


The sex of the deceased. This is a selection list.

Death Date:

The date of death. It is recommended that, for consistency, this should be entered as day, month name or abbreviation, and year. Month abbreviations are expanded, as documented by the popup help balloon.

Death Place:

The place where the death took place. Clicking on the Clear Form button resets this to the current township.


If this registration has been cited in the family tree as documentation for a death, then a hyperlink is provided to the family tree page for the deceased. Otherwise if possible a selection list of entries in the family tree that resemble this death are displayed so you can choose one. Choosing an entry adds a citation to this death registration onto the deceased's record in the family tree.


The occupation of the deceased.

Age at Death:

The age of the deceased at death. Prior to the 20th century people were more likely to know their age than their date of birth because there were no government programs that depended upon your birth date.


The number of years that the deceased spent living at:


The cause of death as certified by the attending physician.


The duration of the cause of death.


The name of the doctor who attended with the death and is responsible for the death certificate.


The address of the attending physician.

Informant: Name:

The name of the person who informed the township clerk of the death.


The relationship of the informant to the deceased. This is a combination of a selection list for the most typical values and a text field for others.


The occupation of the informant to the death.


The residence of the informant to the death.


The religious affiliation of the deceased.

Father"s Name:

The name of the Father of the deceased.

Birth Place:

The birth place of the father.

Mother"s Name:

The name of the Mother of the deceased.

Birth Place:

The birth place of the mother.

Spouse"s Name:

The name of the spouse of the deceased.

Burial Place:

The place where the deceased was buried.

Burial Date:

The date of burial.


The name of the undertaker.


The address of the undertaker/

Reg. Date:

The date of registration by the township clerk.


The name of the township clerk.


This field is used to record any comments by the registrar or clerk. You may use this field to record your own comments by enclosing them in editorial square brackets.


This field is used to specify the uniform record location (URL) that displays the image of the original registration.

Clicking on Update commits the changes you have made to the database. The page also supports the keyboard short-cuts Ctrl-S and Alt-U.

Clicking on Clear Form resets the values of some fields to their defaults. The page also supports the keyboard short-cut Alt-C.

James Cobban Logo Contact Author
Home: Genealogy: Canada: Ontario: Death Query: